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Monday, April 20, 2011

Resident Commissioner Meets with Students from Puerto Rico Who Are
Currently Serving as Congressional Interns

Washington, DC – In recent days, Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi has met with Puerto Rican students participating in the Cordova Fernós Congressional Internship Program, a unique program that enables talented college students from the Island to spend a semester in Washington D.C., where they work for congressional offices and learn about the federal government.

“I applaud the Cordova program because of the many doors it opens for university students from Puerto Rico. Through this successful program, high-achieving students like yourselves are able to witness the inner workings of Washington and to participate in important national debates. Although this program did not yet exist when I was a student, I was fortunate enough to obtain an internship at Congress. While in law school, I worked for then-Resident Commissioner Baltasar Corrada del Río, and it never once crossed my mind that I might one day occupy the same position. I look back very fondly on my experience as a congressional intern and know that this experience helped shape me as a person and as a future public servant,” said Pierluisi.